Tuesday, July 21, 2009

but darling, i've never been more sure/you're the choice i made before i knew what all the other choices were.

like tiny air bubbles slowly rising from the bottom of a glass, i feel this excitement spreading throughout my entire body - rapidly reaching millions of tiny fingertips, extending even beyond my insides, out into the ether.

i know that everything is going to be okay.

more than okay. great, even. perfect.

suddenly, even breathing is a joy. i'm so grateful to be alive, living this experience of what it's like to be in this body, with this mind and this heart. and words cannot express how thankful i am to know YOU - with your unique mind and your big heart. thank you for being here.

your presence lets me know that i am not alone. that i must have done/am doing something right. that we're all in this together, and it doesn't have to be such a struggle. when we stop resisting, when we submit, we follow the natural ebb and flow, and drift to safety. when we struggle, we're dozens of times more likely to be pulled under.

what and where are you resisting in your life? can you let it go, even if only for a moment? try it on for size - i bet you'll like it.

the past four days, i've been teaching myself to relax, to be at peace with doing nothing. i've realized the value of doing "nothing" - and will now create space for "nothing" one day a week. i've realized the importance of being kind to myself, and that i don't need to feel guilty for taking some time off for myself. i smile more, laugh more, think more, do more (when i go back to doing "something"), love more -- LIVE MORE. and then i can give more.

wherever you are, whatever you're doing - stop. just take a minute to breathe a few breaths and experience the wonder of your life. if things are going too fast, this is an incredible way to slow them down. if things aren't going fast enough, this is a way to get in touch with yourself, to connect with the consciousness that will manifest your wildest dreams and beyond.

know that you are never alone, and that what you are looking for will most certainly find you when you're ready.

je t'aime avec tous mon coeur. namaste.

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